What is Dynamic Health Center?

Dynamic Health Center is an organization created to foster, promote, develop and provide health care through the science of homeopathy and conventional medicine. Our team of physicians, scientists and staff are trained professionally to optimize your mental, emotional, and physical health, to provide dynamic care with a personal touch, and use of custom-made homeopathic medicine to restore the health in the most gentle and harmless way without creating side effects.

Let’s work together! Drop us an email to get started!

Our philosophy at Dynamic Health Center

Our philosophy is stated in our company motto: “Dynamic Care for Man as a Whole”. We view the individual health concerns from a ‘person’s point of view’, rather than a ‘disease point of view’ similar to clinical academic standards promoted by William Osler, M.D., who said: “a good physician treats the disease; a great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” It is our goal to provide complete care to the individual who is a person rather than a number.


Dr Oommen K. George

Oommen K George, B.A., Ph.D., Di Hom
Chief Consultant in Homoeopathic Medicine
Specialized in Nutrition, Preventive Healthcare, and Cardiovascular Physiology
Director of Clinical Research in Dynamic (Homoeopathic) Medicine

Dr. Oommen K. George completed his undergraduate degree from Vanguard University in southern California with an emphasis in Biology, Chemistry and Biblical Studies. His parents were both homeopathic physicians practicing in Orange County since 1981.

Dr. Oommen continued his graduate training and completed his doctorate from Loma Linda University, School of Medicine-Department of Physiology and Pharmacology. He is a member of Homoeopathic Medical Association of America, National Center for Homeopathy and American Physiology Society.

He has written and co-authored scientific articles in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and the Journal of Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. He has authored and edited the widely read newsletter, Dynamic Transmission, and The Hahnemannian. He has completed his Diploma at the British Institute of Homeopathy. He has been practicing clinical homeopathy since 2003. He has been involved in research and development of homeopathic medications for the past 25 years. He has also held symposiums for the education of the community and professionals in the area of homeopathy.

Suma Oommen, MD

Dr Suma Oommen MD is a Board Certified Internal Medicine physician. She did her medical studies in the very well reputed Christian Medical College, Vellore in India which is known as the “Harvard of India”. She graduated in 1991 and worked in the community for a while.

In USA, she completed her residency in Internal Medicine from Loma Linda University and Medical Center in 2002. Since then, she has been involved strongly in clinical patient care and nutrition education. Her special interest is in practicing and teaching nutrition to enhance and optimize the health of her patients along with other lifestyle interventions. 
She also enjoys cooking nutritious meals and experimenting with a variety of foods.

Her special focus is on promoting a preventive lifestyle and using comprehensive, conservative measures to improve health. She likes to spend plenty of time with her patients and get to know them well in order to help them better. She is also the Director of Dynamic Health Center which is dedicated to help patients to achieve their optimum health through the science of Homeopathy, nutrition and alternative medicine.


"Dynamic Health Center; I am writing to thank you for the many visit options offered by the Dynamic Health Center and Dr. George. I have been a patient of Dr. George's for about 10 years now. In the beginning I made office visits about every 6 weeks to treat my Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) and overall health. Since I live in Spokane WA and Dr. George's office is in Irvine CA, I was dependent upon the direct flight to keep office visits affordable for me. About 5 years ago the airlines cancelled the direct flight from Spokane which meant I couldn't see Dr. George and return home all in the same day. This added hotel costs and increased the airfare making it impossible to remain a Dynamic Health Center patient. When I shared my dilemma with Dr. George he offered teleconferences and Skype options so that I could remain a patient of his. This not only kept the visits affordable but dramatically reduced my costs eliminating air, airport parking, rental car, and meals out! I was ecstatic and it worked, 10 years ago my prognosis was an 8 to 10 year life span. I am now advised that the CLL will not be what kills me! Thank you Dr. George and Dynamic Health Center from the bottom of my heart! "


"Hello Dr. George; I just want you to know how much your remedy prescription helped my emotional imbalance and anxiety attacks. I feel so emotionally strengthened and able to cope with my life now. My sleep has greatly improved as a result and I feel much calmer overall. Thank you so much. "


"Hello Dr. George; Thank you sooo much for the remedies for Natalie and myself over Christmas and New Years! When I got sick, the couple you gave my were Miraculous!!! So Thank You again for your help!!! "


"Hello Dr. George; Happy New Year! I wish you and your family a Healthy, Happy and a prosperous New Year. I am sad to report that Frederick passed away on December 27th Peacefully and Quietly; I was with him and I am thankful. Thank you for assisting in keeping him healthy in body, mind & yes, spirit over this past year' It really made a difference. Instead of struggling there was comfort & contentment, and lots of love. I am not alone. I am surrounded by lots of love and support. I will keep in touch as I make this transition. You certainly have assisted me in taking care of Frederick, keeping me level headed allowing me to keep focused on what I needed to do to keep him getting better. Thank You! With every good wish, "


"Dr. Oommen George has been treating our family during the last few years. His knowledge of homeopathy, positive outlook and caring for his patients, is truly amazing. We have had many health issues through the years and each time, Dr. Oommen George has relieved the symptoms or cured us through homeopathy. Our children have been treated homeopathically since childhood and even my son's 2 dogs. My husband and I have now made Dr. Suma Oommen our main physician and we are both extremely impressed by her knowledge and expertise in all areas of medicine. The fact the Dr. Suma Oommen, MD, and Dr. Oommen George, PhD, work together make us feel even more fortunate. "

Rachelle & Herb

"Thankfully, after years of trying endless prescriptions from my Jack Russell's vet that included steroids, Dr George sent a remedy that cured a very persistent skin rash that would appear from time to time on my dog's feet, stomach and bottom of tail that included extensive hair loss The remedy Dr. George prescribed over 18 months ago got rid of the rash and it has not returned since - amazing! . "

Hil CA

"I have been treated by the Dynamic Health Center for 2 1/2 years. I was diagnosed with Hodges Lymphoma almost three years ago. My tumors are getting smaller and I have been healthy this whole time. My blood work, according to my Oncologist, always looks good. Dr. Oommen has been a life saver for me. He and his staff are always there for me. They are courteous, friendly and when I have a problem, I get the help and information that I need almost immediately. I have recommended Dr. Oommen to many people and will continue to do so."

Sue Modesto, CA

"I have been a client of the Dynamic Health Center for some years. Sinus problems had also been a concern but they were successfully treated. Over the years I have maintained regular monthly visits either in person or communication via telephone. It had been an effective preventative care program. A healthy immune system basically has kept me disease free through regular remedy treatments. Last year a heart flutter developed and I have chosen to combine homeopathtic treatment with western medical expertise; both of which are available at Dynamic Health Center. Dr. Suma Oommen has both homeopathic and western medical background in internal medicine while Dr. Oommen George has studied extensively in homeopathic medicine with an expertise in cardiology. As an 80 year old reasonably healthy patient, I am pleased to recommend both professionals to you. They really care about their patients!"

Wayne Siegel DEd

"Less than six months of working with Dr. Oommen, my migraine headaches and lactose intolerance went away. I can eat whatever I want now! His remedies have also been instrumental in helping me manage a chronic case of Epstein-Barr virus. Two years later, I am still amazed by the positive, long-lasting health benefits!"

Jennifer R


  1. For three generations my family has received excellent care from Dr. George (and before that his Dad) at their clinic. When my kids were young I took them to him and now my adult children and grandchildren continue to see him. His expertise in using natural remedies have given us gentle and complete healing for a variety of chronic health problems.
    I have recommended him to other people who are so grateful and continue to be his patients today. I can’t thank Dr. George and the Dynamic Health Center enough for all they have done for me, my family and my friends!

  2. When my mother ,wife and myself had serious health issues, we have taken homeopathic medication by consulting Dr.K.O. George and now Dr. Oommen K. George and got cured. Homeopathic treatment is very effective in my experience. Thanks to them.

    Thomas K. Thomas,

  3. The remedy and medications prescribed by Dr. George Oommen for my hemorrhoids helped me tremendously. The ones prescribed by my primary care physician caused me more harm than good. Thank you, Dr. George.

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